据《商业内幕》网报道,美国北密歇根大学宗教研究和哲学教授安东尼·奥曼( )发现有两名学生提交了写的论文。
, a and at , told he had two by the AI .
奥曼教授在接受CGTN采访时讲道,“这篇文章写得比我的大多数学生都要好,语法太完美,结构太合理(too sound),观点太前卫(too ),好到不符合我对学生的预期,这亮起了红灯(red flag)。”
“The red flag was that the essay was than most of my can write. The was too , the was too sound, and the ideas were kind of too for what I would from my .” said in an .
“So, what I did was, I took that essay and it to , and I asked it, ‘Hey, did you write this?’ It that there was a 99.9 that it did.”
此外,美国弗曼大学哲学系教授达伦·希克( Hick)同样发现,一名学生交了一篇人工智能生成的论文。
A few weeks after the of , Hick, a at , said he a in an AI- essay.
希克教授表示,当他发现这篇论文里有一些写得很好的错误信息(well- )时,他就开始怀疑了。在使用检测器后,结果显示,这篇文章有99%的可能性是人工智能生成的。
Hick said he grew when the in an on-topic essay that some well- .After it Open AI’s , the said it was 99% the essay had been AI-.
Both Hick and said they their , all of whom to the . Hick’s the class and had his the from .
“I want the to learn the , and the only way they can do that is by the ,” said.
不仅仅是大学教授在为等人工智能聊天机器人的崛起而困扰。据《纽约时报》报道,由于几乎所有能上网的人都能使用这些人工智能工具,美国各地的教育部门都在调整工作流程,重新设计整个课程,迫使学生提交手写论文或引入口试(oral exams)。
It’s not just with the rise of AI like . As a of these tools to much with an , the are and , to the NYT, to or oral exams.
The New York City and have on own and .
对此,奥曼教授表示,他认为“禁令背后的情绪是合理的”。“学校希望确保学生学习和拥有批判性思维( ),这是学习写作的一部分。”
“I think the the ban is ,” said. “They want to make sure that their are the that are part of how to write.”
But aren’t to suit. After all, these is easy. Even tools to in use of AI tools like will be of use.
“学生可以修改生成的几个单词,加入一些语法错误,检测工具就发现不了这是聊天机器人写的了。” 奥曼教授表示,“这些检测工具也会随着时间的推移而改进吗?会。但可能还不足以跟上人工智能聊天机器人本身的发展速度。”
” can a few words from what , some , and the no think it’s by a ,” said. “Will these also with time? Yes. But not to keep pace with the of the .”
奥曼教授还认为,随着的发布,木已成舟(the cat is out of the bag),所以在课堂上与对抗是毫无意义的。
, the cat is out of the bag — so it’d be to fight in the , the .
” will have to it the they ,” he said. “Plus, that there is a big gulf ‘real life’ and ‘.'” “So, or just to its use is a big , in my mind,” .
对奥曼教授来说,他已经决定调整自己的论文写作课程,要求学生在课堂上用正在被实时监控( )的电脑来写作初稿。他还计划鼓励他的哲学系学生“像对待其他哲学资源一样对待”,这意味着他们将被要求评估其论据和论点( and )。
For his part, has to his own essay , and will to be in the on that are being .He’s on his to “react to in the same way they would any other ,” that they will be asked to its and .
综合来源:商业内幕网,CGTN ,网,纽约时报,央视网
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